Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Final ReacTable Mock-Up

Below is a mock up of what my ReacTable table will look like. I have the Macbook on the bottom shelf which powers the whole experiment through using ReacTIVision software and PurData. Pure data is a programming language which can read MIDI files via Open Sound Control which is the main audio signal for my ReacTable. The ReacTIVision software is programmed to recognise the Fiducials on the top of the table, when these are moved or rotated through user interaction, PureData distorts the sound through changing the level of the Sin wave. Therefore creating a rather flexible interface for a number of users to use at the same time and create a piece of music. This is exactly what I wanted to make as an example of interaction without the need for the spoken language, opening barriers and crossing boundaries for people all over the world.

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